Coconut Merchant Coconut Chips 100% Natural

Coconut Merchant Coconut Chips

Whilst reducing my sugar intake I decided to try the various bagged coconut chips now widely available in shops. Many of them do contain sugar, but in lower amounts than most snacks, and some of them like Coconut Merchant actually use coconut sugar instead of refined white sugar. How revolutionary!

I spotted these in a small Sainsbury's Express for just over £1 near the Sandwiches, and grabbed a pack. They contain a lot more coconut chips than other brands such as Ape or Itsu, which was most welcome to me. I don't know why some brands think we want to eat like rabbits...I realize that coconut contains fat, but you still need a substantial amount for it to be filling!

Coconut Merchant Coconut Chips

Luckily these are baked so they contain less fat, and they were nicely golden and super crunchy. Taking a bite they had a lovely sweet, almost treacle like flavour from the coconut sugar. They were delicious, and far nicer than some of the other bands I've tried! The coconut sugar gives them a tasty edge and brings out the toasted flavour perfectly.

Coconut Merchant Coconut Chips

Overall, these are some super coconut snacks that I would highly recommend; if you like those made by Ape or other companies these are even better - try them!

8.5 out of 10. 

Suitable for vegans, gluten free, dairy free and paleo.

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